COREFIT – Level 2
Playlist: Pumped up and Fit
chin to chest
ear to shoulder
neck rolls in both directions
shoulder up/down forward/back
shoulder rolls
high mountain to chair 5x with arms
forward fold to flat back 5x
10x forearm plank toe dips to side both sides
10x forearm plank leg lifts both sides
10x side plank leg lifts
30 secs modified burpee
10x forearm plank toe dips to side both sides
10x forearm plank leg lifts both sides
10x side plank leg lifts
20 secs side squat jumps 2x 1/4 turn face other side repeat 20 sec side squat jumps
10x forearm plank toe dips to side both sides
10x forearm plank leg lifts both sides
10x side plank leg lifts
1 min. jump squat taps
10x forearm plank toe dips to side both sides
10x forearm plank leg lifts both sides
10x side plank leg lifts
1 min. 1/2 turn jump squat taps
10x seated in/outs
10x reverse tabletop toe taps
30 secs Russian twists
30 secs frog jumps
10x bent knee hip dips both sides
10x seated in/outs
10x reverse tabletop toe taps
30 secs Russian twists
1 min. frog jump combo 3x jumps with hip dip to each side
10x seated in/outs
10x V ups
10x reverse tabletop toe taps
10x bicycle crunchups
30 secs Russian twists
1 min. frog jump combo 3x jumps with hip dip to each side
1 min. inchworm
30 secs shoulder taps
10x knee/core combo alternate knee to chest switch to knee to same elbow
1 min. inchworm w/pushup
30 secs hip taps
10 knee/core combo alternate knee to chest switch to knee to same elbow
1 min. inchworm w/tricep pushup
30 secs shin taps
10 knee/core combo alternate knee to chest switch to knee to same elbow
1 min. inchworm w/pushup add clap
1 min. tap combo shoulder, hips, shins
1 min. mt. climber
10x off right side of float pullups
10x off right side of float dips
10x giddyups on/off right side left hip on/off
30 secs rollovers end on left side of float
:|repeat combo to left side of the float
lay on belly sphinx pose
look left then right repeat 3x each side
chin to float, draw right heel to glute, switch sides
roll onto back, knees to chest
roll up to boat
seated forward fold
repeat knees to chest, boat, forward fold 3x
happy baby
To access CardioWave playlists on your device, search for “spotify:user:glidefit” in the spotify app search bar