Here at GlideFit we thought it might be nice to bring to you the latest information on ALL things balance. This multi installment blog post will give you tips and tricks to find balance in your life on a variety of subjects. So, welcome to installment one and feel free to share your comments.
When we talk about the GlideFit & the benefits of ABST ( Aquatic Based Stability Training) we often speak of the physical benefits balance training brings to the body. We can assist that physical training by finding balance in what we eat. Fueling our body is just as important as exercising our body. It’s that fuel we take in that keeps us going & makes us stronger before, during, and after exercise.
So many folks jump on the current bandwagon trend of cutting out something in their diet completely as a cure all, fix all to what ails them. The key to healthy eating is moderation in ALL things. We all deserve a treat every now and again, the danger is turning an every now and again treat into an everyday ritual or habit. Once while standing in line at the grocery store I overheard a child ask a parent for a snack and reach for a candy bar. We need to be careful what we define as a snack.
We’re all familiar with the food pyramid, the old one, the new one, etc. Don’t get crazy about what goes in your mouth. The bottom line is if you want to maintain, burn what you take in. If you want to shed an inch or two burn more than you take in. Eat slower. Take a bite, put down your fork and savor what you’re eating. No one is going to steal your plate of food. I know what you’re thinking…who has time for that? You do…make time, it will make a difference. You will get full faster and eat less. Beware of portion distortion. We really don’t need to load our plates as if we’re fueling to be a center linesman for the next big game.
Most importantly be patient, stick with it, you’re body deserves the best fuel for optimal performance no matter what activity you are tackling.