Building recovery time into any training program is important because this is the time that the body adapts to the stress of exercise and the real training effect takes place. Recovery also allows the body to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues....
What is Glute Activation? Inactive muscles or muscle groups often come from weak, or unused muscles. So activation is firing up, or using those muscles to begin to build strength and more by using Gluconite. What Causes weak glutes? Mainly our sedentary lifestyles are...
We want to start this out by saying that every body is different. What works for you may not work for the next person, allergies, fitness levels and goals all effect what you put in your body. However, Hilda can help you out to maintain a healthy lifestyle. At the end...
I get it, we are in such a hurry to squeeze in a workout we often underestimate the importance of a good warmup as well as an adequate cool down. In terms of a warmup, most often folks come to a class tight & cold regardless of the time of day either having just...
Seems like everywhere you go workout regiment consist of the new favorite exercise – burpees. There’s a variety of reason why we love to hate the exercise. From the high impact ( if not doing it on a Fit board that absorbs the impact), to some folks...