Finding Life’s Sweet Spot…
By certified GlideFit Instructor Colin Easom As I got on my board this morning to prep for a class, a random thought began to take shape and evolve as I worked on the routine. While Forrest Gump believed that life is like a box of chocolates, I actually think a better...
Recover, Repair, Reinvigorate….
Show of hands who loves a good recovery after a hard work out? I’d be willing to bet the crowd is pretty even split, but do we know the formula for a good recovery? There a few key elements to a good post workout recovery we all should take to heart. I am...When was the last time you HIIT it?
https://glidefit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/VID_20180121_133337_1.mp4 Research continually shows that HIIT classes can produce results in less time. So, what is HIIT? High intensity interval training. English, right?….These classes have burst of high...