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Recover, Repair, Reinvigorate….

Recover, Repair, Reinvigorate….

Show of hands who loves a good recovery after a hard work out?  I’d be willing to bet the crowd is pretty even split, but do we know the formula for a good recovery?  There a few key elements to a good post workout recovery we all should take to heart. I am...

When was the last time you HIIT it? Research continually shows that HIIT classes can produce results in less time.  So, what is HIIT?  High intensity interval training.  English, right?….These classes have burst of high...
“What would I wear?”

“What would I wear?”

In the spirit of the holiday season, I just couldn’t resist.  We as instructors get this question all the time.  So let’s chat about it.  Yes, the class is in a pool and yes, you will be getting wet.  Having said that you also want to be comfortable, free...