Recover, Repair, Reinvigorate….
Show of hands who loves a good recovery after a hard work out? I’d be willing to bet the crowd is pretty even split, but do we know the formula for a good recovery? There a few key elements to a good post workout recovery we all should take to heart. I am...
Classic not Trendy…
I think we can all agree in the health & wellness/ fitness industry world trends come and go quite frequently. Diets, routines, & regiments all seem to have their moment and fade once they either don’t produce the results one is looking for or...
Lunging not Bobbing for Apples….
Recently I had the opportunity to meet another fitness trainer who referred to glutes as apples not applesauce. Comical yes, but brings a very tangible image to that major muscle group. If we are engaging the glutes they should be hard like apples not applesauce....